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Kettlebell Leg Workout Routine

Try these kettlebell exercises for the legs and this kettlebell leg workout, which has you train your train you legs twice a week for a 4-6 week leg specialization routine.

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Pillars of Power: Kettlebell Leg Training

By Chris Lancaster

The Kettlebell is an instrument of great pain when it comes to leg blasting. Below, I will outline a leg specialization program that will have you looking like Tom Platz in no time. Well, back to reality, that will not happen my friends. Forgive my humor. What will happen is this, potentially, and more:

-positive transfer to your chosen sport(s)
-new motivation for training
-more complete training for the whole body
-solid base for other drills, i.e., windmills, snatches, etc.
-increase in core training at the same time ... simply do these and see why!!!

Here is a 4-6 week leg specialization routine. On day one, follow workout one, then skip one day, and on to workout two on day three. Keep this sequence. I have merely suggested the sets and reps below. If you prefer to train density or EDT style, hey, go for it. I personally do straight sets, so this is my bias. On the other hand, if you do not want to do a full blown specialization scheme, simply pick and choose one or two of these gems and get to work. In my opinion, these four drills will hit pretty close to the center of the dart board for leg training.

Workout One, Day One

Pistols, w/35-66# KB, 3R/3L x3
-the weight will make this easier, not harder
-while balancing on one leg, hold the bell handle like a steering wheel at the chest
-slowly squat down, while pushing the bell outward, straightening the arms
-keep squatting down, until rock bottom is achieved
-arms should be fully extended, with bell held out near toes of the passive straight leg
-explosively push up, while pulling the bell back in Single leg deadlifts, heavy, 5R/5L x3
-select two heavy KBs
-stand up, and balance on one leg while holding two KBs with straight arms
-lean down on a single bent leg, while gently swinging the passive leg backward
*NOTE that this resembles a glide technique in the shot putt
-keep going down until the bells touch the ground
-try to bear the weight on the entire foot
-push up, while gently swinging the hips all the way back through to a standing position

Workout Two, Day Three

1 KB Overhead squat, 5R/5L x3
-select one KB, and snatch it overhead
-eyes glued to the bell, begin squatting down, while leaning slightly to the opposite side
-think of pulling yourself down
-arm is straight, and over the same hip ... do not allow the KB to drift!!!
-shoot for rock bottom, feet flat
-squat up, repeat 2 KB Front squat, 5x5
-clean a pair of KBs to your chest, and with elbows in, squat down
* NOTE that heavier bells will require the elbows to be wider at the start
-think of pulling yourself down, as opposed to passively dropping
-back is straight, eyes are fixed straight ahead
-feet are flat, shoot for rock bottom, pause, and up
-repeat To complete the routine, simply add some cleans, maybe a snatch or press, and a windmill to hit every area. Keep it brief, since the name of this short term game is leg specialization. Be creative, but be complete in your approach.

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